Identifying lichen species of the World

(Experimental subset with Southern Africa p. pte.)

To run the Java applet, the most recent version of Java™ Runtime Environment needs to be downloaded and installed first. For usage of the context menu, Java v. 6.0 or above is required. The address of this web site ( needs to be included in the list of allowed sites of the web browser's pop-up blocker settings. Detailed instructions are provided further below.

An interactive key using

NaviKey Icon

The various query options are to be accessed via Options tab sheet. For further details, consult the hints How to use LIASlight NaviKey.

For definitions and explanations of terms used for characters and character states, consult the LIAS glossary.

Usage of the applet:

For offline usage of LIASlight data, download NaviKey and keep yourself updated with the most recent LIASlight data files. Unpack the data files and copy them into the local ../NaviKey_xxx/DeltaSampleData/ directory.

If the LIASlight database has been of some use in your work, please consider to cite it as recommended here. We also would appreciate your feedback.

Creative Commons License
LIAS light by BSM, München, Germany is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. The "No Derivative Works" restriction applies only to contents but not to technical format transformation for usage in various applications.