LIAS metabolites is a lively project with growing scientific information and data richness. It is maintained by an editorial team.
If the LIAS metabolite database has been of some use in your work, please consider to cite it as follows:
Elix, J. A., Kalb, K., Rupprecht, J., Schobert, R., Rambold, G. 2012 onwards [last visited: Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 23:26:01 CET].
LIAS metabolites – A Database for the Rapid Identification of Secondary Metabolites of Lichens (ed. Rambold, G.). –
Recommended paper: Elix, J. A. 2014. A Catalogue of Standardized Chromatographic Data and Biosynthetic Relationships for Lichen Substances. Third Edition. Published by the author, Canberra. Now available at ANBG: download pdf – 2 MB.
We also would appreciate your feedback.
For identifying lichen species of the world, consult LIAS light.
For usage of the database, the instructions for Standardized Thin Layer Chromatography by Elix and Ernst-Russell (1993) should be followed. Our MS Excel sheet 'LIAS metabolites Calculator' may probably be of help.
LIAS metabolites data are available for interactive identification purposes using three kind of services described below: DiversityNaviKey Progressive Web App (PWA), NaviKey Java applet (no longer recommended) and offline use with NaviKey offline tool and DELTA files.DiversityNaviKey (DNK) is a tool primarily designed for diagnosis and interactive identification of organisms or other items as well as item groups which are part of or related to biodiversity, geodiversity or environmental research (see About).
Current versions of the PWA give access to six data sources, among them LIAS light and LIAS metabolites (see here).
Start using the tool by opening in a browser on any user device (desktop, tablet, smartphone). Select the appropriate data source (LIAS light, LIAS metabolites) and proceed as recommended.
To run the applet, the most recent version of Java™ Runtime Environment needs to be downloaded and installed first. Mac OS X users may load Java for Mac OS X. For usage of the context menu, Java v. 6.0 or above is required. The address of this web site ( needs to be included in the list of allowed sites of the web browser's pop-up blocker settings. Detailed instructions are provided further below.
Usage of the applet:
For offline usage of LIAS metabolites data, download NaviKey and keep yourself updated with the most recent LIAS metabolites data files. Unpack the data files and copy them into the local ../NaviKey_xxx/DeltaSampleData/ directory.
LIAS metabolites by
BSM, München, Germany is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
The "No Derivative Works" restriction applies
only to contents
but not to technical format transformation for usage in various applications.