LIAS light – Item Descriptions
LIASlight ItemID: 8905
Staurothele pallidopora P. M. McCarthy
Characters[*]: | Character States[*]: |
global occurrence: | Oceania – Australasia |
substrate: | rock – siliceous, siliciferous, acidic | rock – calcareous, calciferous, basic | rock, stones, pebbles – unspecified |
life habit: | lichenized (mutualistic with algal photobionts) |
thallus: | crustose (crustaceous) – episubstratal – unspecified |
thallus: | cracked, fissured, fractured, rimose | compartimentized – areolate, squamulate |
[th] upper surface: | grey(ish) | grey(ish) brown |
[th marginal and upper surface] specific structures: | absent |
[th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, lobes, branches) upper surface: | smooth, plane |
ascomata: | absent | present |
ascoma: | perithecial, perithecioid – hymenial |
ascoma [mm]: | (low) 0.35 (high) 0.65 |
ascoma: | immersed, innate | subsessile, subimmersed, adnate, semi-immersed, emergent |
[ascm, if apoth] margin surface; [if perith] periostiolar area, ostiole, involucrellum: | black(ish) | brown(ish) black | grey(ish) brown |
[ascm] paraphyses/-oids: | absent |
asci: | fissitunicate – verrucarialean |
[asc] tholus: | thickened |
[asc] tholus amyloidity (iodine reaction): | absent |
ascospores: | (median) 8.0 |
[asp] length [µm]: | (low) 18.0 (high) 28.0 |
[asp] width [µm]: | (low) 9.0 (high) 14.0 |
[asp] septa: | present |
[asp] septa: | muriformly septate – muriform, submuriform |
[asp] pigmentation: | hyaline, colourless | yellowish brown |
secondary metabolites: | absent |
primary photobiont: | present |
secondary photobionts (eg in cephalodia): | absent |
primary photobiont: | chlorophytaceous – trebouxiaceous, chlorococcoid |