LIAS light – Item Descriptions
LIASlight ItemID: 639
Brigantiaea fuscolutea (Dicks.) R. Sant.
Characters[*]: | Character States[*]: |
global occurrence: | Eurasia – Europe | Americas – North America (incl Mexico) | Americas – South and Central America | Arctic | Antarctic – Southern Subpolar Islands, Subantarctic Islands |
substrate: | soil, clay, humus, turf, detritus, dead leaves | bryophytes – mosses, liverworts | bark, cork, plant surface – trunks, branches, twigs | leaves, fronds, needles – living | rock, stones, pebbles – unspecified |
life habit: | lichenized (mutualistic with algal photobionts) |
thallus: | crustose (crustaceous) – episubstratal – unspecified |
[th] upper surface: | grey(ish) green | yellow(ish) white (ivory, off-white, cream-coloured) |
[th marginal and upper surface] specific structures: | absent |
[th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, lobes, branches) upper surface: | verrucose, warted | squamulose |
ascomata: | absent | present |
ascoma: | apothecial, apothecioid – hymenial |
ascoma [mm]: | (median) 2.0 |
ascoma: | sessile, superficial | subpedicellate, substipitate, subpedunculate, substalked |
[ascm, if apoth] disc, mazaedium: | plane, flat, flattened, expanded | subconvex, slightly convex |
[ascm, if apoth] disc, mazaedium: | yellow(ish) (if dull: buff) |
[ascm, if apoth] disc, mazaedium: | pruinose |
[ascm] paraphyses/-oids: | present |
[ascm] paraphyses/-oid cells width [µm]: | (median) 1.5 |
[ascm] epihymenium, epithecium: | yellow(ish) (if dull: buff) |
asci: | lecanoralean |
[asc] tholus: | thickened |
[asc] tholus amyloidity (iodine reaction): | present |
[asc] tholus amyloidity pattern: | entirely amyloid (= Catillaria-, Teloschistes-types etc) |
ascospores: | (median) 1.0 (max) 2.0 |
[asp] shape: | ellipsoidal |
[asp] length [µm]: | (low) 48.0 (high) 100.0 |
[asp] width [µm]: | (low) 25.0 (high) 55.0 |
[asp] septa: | present |
[asp] septa: | muriformly septate – muriform, submuriform |
[asp] pigmentation: | hyaline, colourless |
[asp] perispore, epispore: | not apparent |
secondary metabolites: | present |
secondary metabolites: | atranorin | chloroatranorin | parietin |
primary photobiont: | present |
secondary photobionts (eg in cephalodia): | absent |
primary photobiont: | chlorophytaceous – trebouxiaceous, chlorococcoid |