
LIAS light – Item Descriptions

LIASlight ItemID: 5821

Bunodophoron melanocarpum (Sw.) Wedin

Characters[*]:Character States[*]:
global occurrence: Africa (incl Madagascar) | Eurasia – Asia Extratropical | Oceania – Australasia | Eurasia – Europe | Americas – North America (incl Mexico) | Americas – South and Central America | Eurasia – Asia Tropical
substrate: soil, clay, humus, turf, detritus, dead leaves | bryophytes – mosses, liverworts | rock – siliceous, siliciferous, acidic | rock, stones, pebbles – unspecified
life habit: lichenized (mutualistic with algal photobionts)
thallus: fruticose (fruticous), shrub-like, beard-like
thallus: continuous, diffuse, effuse
[th] upper surface: blue(ish) | white(ish) grey | grey(ish) green
[th marginal and upper surface] specific structures: absent
[th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, lobes, branches) width [mm]: (low) 1.2 (high) 1.7 (max) 3.0
[th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, lobes, branches) upper surface: smooth, plane | cracked, fissured, fractured, rimulose, subrimose
[th] morphol substructures (eg lobes, branches): anisotomic-dichotomous | irregular
ascomata: absent | present
ascoma: apothecial, apothecioid – mazaedial
ascoma [mm]: (min) 1.2 (low) 2.2 (high) 3.5
ascoma: subsessile, subimmersed, adnate, semi-immersed, emergent | sessile, superficial | pedicellate, stipitate, pedunculate, stalked
[ascm] paraphyses/-oids: absent | present
asci: prototunicate
[asc] tholus: not thickened
[asc] tholus amyloidity (iodine reaction): absent
ascospores: (median) 8.0
[asp] shape: globose, spherical | subglobose, subspherical
[asp] length [µm]: (min) 5.5 (low) 7.0 (high) 8.0
[asp] width [µm]: (min) 5.5 (low) 7.0 (high) 8.0
[asp] septa: absent – spore lumen unilocular, monolocular
[asp] pigmentation: grey, greyish
[asp] perispore, epispore: ornamented, rough, warted, striate, cracked
conidiomata: absent | present
conidia: bacilliform, bacillar
secondary metabolites: present
secondary metabolites: constictic acid | sordidone | sphaerophorin | stictic acid
primary photobiont: present
secondary photobionts (eg in cephalodia): absent
primary photobiont: chlorophytaceous – trebouxiaceous, chlorococcoid

[*] Not all (synonymous, equivalent or similar) terms being provided in parallel for a character or character state (e.g. 'endosubstratal, inconspicuous, immersed') need to be valid for the taxon under concern.

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