LIAS light – Item Descriptions
LIASlight ItemID: 1770
Characters[*]: | Character States[*]: |
global occurrence: | Americas – North America (incl Mexico) | Eurasia – Asia Tropical |
substrate: | rock – calcareous, calciferous, basic | rock, stones, pebbles – unspecified |
life habit: | lichenized (mutualistic with algal photobionts) |
thallus: | peltate, umbilicate | subfruticose (subfruticous), fruticulose, dactyliform |
[th] upper surface: | brown(ish) green (olivaceous, olive green) |
[th upper surface]: | epruinose |
[th marginal and upper surface] specific structures: | present |
[th margin] cilia, cilioid structures: | absent |
[th upper surface] isidia, isidioid structures: | absent | present |
[th upper surface] soredia, soralia, soralioid structures: | absent |
[th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, lobes, branches) width [mm]: | (low) 0.2 (high) 1.0 |
[th] morphol substructures (eg areoles, squamules): | distantly discontiguous |
[th] morphol substructures (eg lobes, branches): | irregular |
[th] lower surface: | brown(ish) green (olivaceous, olive green) |
[th lower surface] specific structures: | absent |
ascomata: | absent | present |
ascoma: | apothecial, apothecioid – hymenial |
ascoma: | sessile, superficial |
[ascm, if apoth] margin surface; [if perith] periostiolar area, ostiole, involucrellum: | brown(ish) green (olivaceous, olive green) |
[ascm, if apoth] margin excipular photobionts: | present | abundant |
asci: | lecanoralean |
[asc] tholus: | thickened |
[asc] tholus amyloidity (iodine reaction): | present |
[asc] tholus amyloidity pattern: | with amyloid tube, ring (= Collema-, Micarea-, Porpidia-, Psora-types etc) |
conidiomata: | absent | present |
secondary metabolites: | absent |
primary photobiont: | present |
secondary photobionts (eg in cephalodia): | absent |
primary photobiont: | cyanobacterial |